Saturday, January 16, 2010

dexter season 5


Yes, I'm in Tokyo, but that doesn't mean I can't blast through a season of Dexter in just a couple of hangover days. Watching the last episode I was like, this is pretty uneventful. BUT THEN THE ENDING. Holy shit.

So yeah. Wow. My hangover was moderate, but I felt pretty fucking terrible on the journey home this morning. Ugh, I guess that's how it is for people who go out drinking in cities in general. At school we're used to being able to walk home at any time in like 5-10 minutes. It took me so long to get home... and I had to wait for the first train in the morning. I left the club at around 5:30am, which is when it closed. It was super fun, actually. Met some cool people, Japanese and foreign both.

So then I stopped at an all-night diner I guess you could say. It was great, cause everyone who was there was at the same drunk, tired, hungry point in their night. I got some gyoza and rice, and it was fucking bomb. Seriously, I might go back there when I'm not drunk. The guys next to me were all making fun of their super drunk friend and then made him pay for the bill! hahaha, we were all laughing together. Then I walked to Shinjuku Station with a couple of girls. Gawd, Shinjuku is so confusing. It took me so god damn long to find the club I was looking for, running in circles. So I just went to the station with the girls who knew the way. There were so many people in the subway sleeping and waiting for the first train! Rode home. Slept hardcore on the train. Ugh, and it's like a ten minute walk to my apartment from the station so that was fucking torture. Fell asleep so fast. Woke up. Made pasta. Watched Dexter.

Now it's a little study time. I wish I had more food that I wanted. I have frozen gyoza, but I literally had them the last two meals. I'm too tired to go to the store.

Holy shit Dexter.

Pictures soon :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

deep thoughts by emily brunelle

there are strange bugs in japan. and very, very short old ladies.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

april weather

well, no aquarium today :/

i spent so long trying to fax things to my japanese school (every damn fax machine here works differently!!) that i was late meeting my czech friends. since they don't have cell phones, i couldn't be like, "i'm gonna be 10 minutes late!" and by the time i got to the meeting place they had left. so i wandered around a little, but i couldn't even find the aquarium! ugh, shinagawa was kind of a stupid place. the weather was absolutely gorgeous, though, so i didn't mind walking around.

soooo then i went to shiuya 109. holy shit intense. i'm gonna go in a take a video sometime. there's no way to describe it. it was even more intense today cause there's a huge sale in every store this week. it's ridiculous how expensive japanese stores are, though. the sale prices are like $40 for a t-shirt, $60 for a skirt or something. every store spills out into the hall, which is just a tiny circle anyway. and there are like 8 girls at each store shouting in the most high-pitched, annoying tone in the world what kind of sales they have. omg i can hear them still now shouting IRASSHAIMASEEEEEEEEE GORAN KUDASAAAAAI. i didn't even know humans could make those noises.

so i finally found a skirt i liked and that was in my price range, but it turns out that japanese clothes come in two sizes: too small and way too small (ok, medium and small....). well, no, i can wear shirts and dresses, but i don't think i'll ever be able to fit into japanese bottoms. gawd, they're all ridiculously skinny.

all the fashions are the same in every store, though. like, exactly the same things. some things are cute, but a lot obnoxious. where are the thrift stores like i used to find in osaka? i'll have to do some research.

i went to shinjuku too cause that's where i know there's a citibank (the only bank that works for foreign debit cards) and it's on the way home. had some royal milk tea, which is such a nice drink; i wish they had it in the us. bought some language books at kinokuniya. got a bento at the conbini.

gonna go study some nihongo. i'm hoping the new books will give some inspiration.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


union is so full of shiiiiit.

give me my credits!!

international programs department can suck it.

wondering if i should go today to the aquarium with valentina or onsen with... i forget his name! a french guy who moved into this house last week. it might be pointless to go to an onsen with a guy, though, because you have to be separated boys and girls. and they might not let me go because of my tattoo.

i guess aquarium it is! as valetina said, "there is 10 000 marine animals!"

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


woooo i got my japanese cell phone!! it's the shit, seriously. american cell phones need to be like this. i feel so cool.

Monday, January 4, 2010

yay apartment!

I actually love my house... things are feeling better now that I'm able to settle in. In the house I've met a French couple and a Russian guy. His girlfriend and an American guy I haven't met yet. Everyone seems really nice!

My room is traditional style... I pull out the futon at night. Tatami mats. It's small, but all the room I need really. Pictures!

With the futon pulled out:

and this is a picture of me on New Year's with a crazy Japanese man. His jacket was 110% sequins and apparently I asked for a picture with him.

lol drunk emily.......

and this was a view from my hostel, which was pretty awesome.

The skyscrapers look pretty far there, but they're not. Maybe 5 stops/15 minutes on the train.

Anyway, I'm getting my cellphone today in the mail, so I guess I'll kind of organize myself here, maybe study some nihongo, and wait for the package.


Saturday, January 2, 2010


I will start posting pictures as soon as I move into my apartment , but for now I cannot. Bummer, though. I mean, what's Tokyo without pictures?